by Alex Billington

Now that you've seen it, what did you think? Fox is back again this October with another big video game movie - Max Payne! Fans have been excited ever since that first trailer arrived back in July. Now it's time to see if it truly lives up to all that hype. Will Max Payne finally break out of the video game mold? Will it at least be a step up from Hitman last year? Were Mark Wahlberg and Mila Kunis the right choices for Max Payne and Mona Sax? Did it feel like the video game or was it a cheesy action film and nothing more? Sound off below, leave your thoughts, and let us know what you thought of Max Payne.
To fuel the fire, I thoroughly enjoyed Max Payne, especially for its visual style, but wouldn't call it anything extraordinary. I think it deserves more credit than it's getting, because at the very least it was entertaining - which is exactly what the video game was, too. I thought the action scenes were the weakest part, but enjoyed director John Moore's acute sense of storytelling and visual style more than anything. It was a bit convoluted and could've used a script that actually made some sense, but I easily looked past that and just enjoyed it for what it was - mindnumbing action-filled popcorn cinematic entertainment at its finest.
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