Source: Bloody Disgusting
by Alex Billington

The last gig that Ukrainian filmmaker Vadim Perelman was attached to was an adaptation of Ayn Ran's Atlas Shrugged. While that book does deserve a film, Perelman previously expressed his lack of interest and has now moved on. Instead, he's supposedly directing a remake of the 1982 horror classic Poltergeist. Is anyone else tired of these ridiculous remakes of iconic classics always popping up every day?! Our friends at Bloody Disgusting via SlashFilm recently picked up this scoop on Perelman and are reporting that he "is in heavy talks", but not officially confirmed, to direct the remake being developed at MGM. Maybe it's just me, but I would've thought Poltergeist would never ended up being remade…
Just last week, Juliet Snowden and Stiles White were officially hired to write the remake. The two previously wrote the 2005 horror flick Boogeyman as well as the upcoming Knowing with Nic Cage and The Birds remake. I'd like to find out why these two are so adament on writing rehashes of great horror classics, especially if they admire those horror films to begin with. As for Perelman, whose filmography only includes House of Sand and Fog and The Life Before Her Eyes, I don't know enough about him to say whether he's a good choice or not. However, I do know enough to say that a remake of Poltergeist is entirely unnecessary to begin with. Horror remakes seem to be the hottest thing in Hollywood at the moment.
I can accept remakes of Friday the 13th and Nightmare on Elm Street, those can be done somewhat successfully. But remakes of films like Poltergeist or The Shinning - that's a bit ridiculous. There isn't much that sounds too exciting about this remake so far. Is there any one who is hopeful for this remake?
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